Primitive Osage 55# @ 26″


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1 in stock



This is a simple and rustic, yet great shooting and reliable Osage hunting bow. It is Right handed, 55# @ 26″ (not to be drawn further than 26″)and  about 62″ long. This bow was part of our build and data collection for the Secrets & Science of Primitive Archery book.  This bow has been in my personal collection since the data collection for the book, and honestly if it was in the weight and draw length to fit me perfectly, it would be staying in my personal collection.  This one already has a really nice patina and I fit it with a new leather grip and dacron bow string. It has some cosmetic drying checks in the back and belly, but the bow is certainly stable, reliable and well tested. I’m selling this more as a “used” bow although it’s never seen much use outside of the data collection. Overall it’s a heck of a nice but simple bow that should last a lifetime of hunting.  This one will come with a 1 year money back warranty.