Flint Knapping Kits by HuntPrimitive will have you knapping in no time! Everything you need to be the knapper you want to be!
****NEW!!! — All combo kits now also include a few spalls of our new KnapEasy rock to try out!
While you can order the tool kits, individual tools, and any amount of rock you like by browsing through the Flint Knapping Supplies menu tab on the main menu, These Combo Kits offer simple suggested solutions as to what to order while giving a variety of knapping rocks to choose from. All rock provided by HuntPrimitive is ready for knapping and has been spalled and heat treated (if applicable).
If you are on this page but are looking for just the tools, click here to be taken to that page.
***(Rock types may vary from what is pictured but will be a combination of whatever good rock we have in stock. Currently, we are running black obsidian, mahogany obsidian, and keokuk chert. All are good beginner rocks. Obsidian is the easiest to drive flakes and thin, keokuk is a little tough than obsidian to work but still one of the easier working chert varieties)
We have Starter Flint Knapping Kits and 8 pounds of mixed flakes and spalls of rock. This is a great way to get started on your journey of knapping.
All shipped in one USPS priority box with shipping costs included in the sale price

Deluxe Flint Knapping Kits and 10 pounds of Rock are also shipped in a single box, but you can take advantage of getting as many tools and rock in one Flat rate box as possible. It’s a little more value packed into one box and provides more rock and a couple extra tools for advanced learning.