Stone Point Reward Page
What is the worst part about hunting with stone points???? The high cost and the limited amount of use you get from them! Right? Trust me, I know. I have been there myself before I learned to knap my own points. Stone Points are expensive and you can only use them once or twice…Man that stinks right???? Not any more!
Here is the plan— For every point you buy, I will give you credit towards a FREE replacement……
if, you kill a big game animal with it and email me a picture for my website! (Photo stipulations at bottom of page)
example: If you buy Stone Hunting points from me..
When you kill any Big Game animal (deer, bear, elk, turkey, pig, etc…) with one, I will send you a replacement point for free! You keep the kill point, I just send you a brand new one to replace it to reward you for your success! That counts for every point on your order. So if you ordered, lets say, 6 points and you kill 6 deer with them, I will send 6 new points for free! So every ordered point = one free replacement if you are successful with it, for as many as you originally purchased.
Here is all you have to do:
– kill a big game animal with one of my stone points
– email me a nice, tasteful picture with written consent to use it on my website’s picture gallery (**I must approve of the picture, see below)
And receive a replacement point in a couple weeks. It is that simple. You get more bang for your buck and I get more testimonials and pictures for my website.
**Picture approval. This is a really simple system. I am willing to replace your point(s) for free in exchange for great content and testimonies from successful and satisfied customers. Most people are so excited with their kill yet forget to take a decent picture. A really grainy, super dark picture of a deer piled up in the weeds isn’t what I am after. Use my pictures as guidelines for your own. They do not need to be professional photos, but take 5 minutes to tuck the tongue in, position, and take a couple really nice photos if you would like to be on the website and redeem your replacement point. If YOU would prefer to not be in the picture, that is ok too. Just lay your bow, arrow and/or point on the well presented animal and take a nice picture to send me. If you used a laminated/modern bow for the harvest, please exclude that from the photograph. We are looking for nice photos with primitive equipment to showcase on the website and social media pages. examples of great/ acceptable pictures are below.
While taking photos, keep the following bullet points in mind. The rewards program isn’t to simple prove the points work. Ryan has taken over 40 big game animals with them and many many other folks have as well. The exchange of the photo for replacement points is to not only allow you to publicly feature your success, but also to create shareable advertisements for HuntPrimitive LLC and/or Gill’s Primitive Archery in exchange for new product.
Picture stipulations:
- Pictures must be tasteful, clear, digital photographs.
- The photograph must be in an outdoor setting with trees, leaves, grass etc (bed of the truck, popup blinds or 4 wheeler in the back ground, or on concrete in a garage takes the primitive hunt out of context and doesn’t make for good advertisement photographs)
- Kills must be made with a wooden primitive bow and primitive arrow. (No compounds or glass bows plz)
- Photographs cannot include branding or advertising for another company. (ie: signs for gear, hunting ranches, or Shirts with competitor logos)