These Bison Skinner stone knives are designed much like the knives of Paleo, Transitional Paleo, and Archaic people. They are 2 sided blades hafted with real pitch and sinew into a natural hardwood handle. The Hardwood handles have my signature starburst pattern carved into the butt. They are hafted with real pitch glue and sinew for a robust yet authentic working knife. The HuntPrimitive Tribe used knives just like these to fully break down a bison. Skin, Debone meat, and disarticulate joints. You can find that video at the bottom of this page. We have put the real field time in to ensure these Bison Skinner stone knives are capable of serious work, yet made with only traditional materials found in nature. These knives utilize our updated Paleo Knife Blades. These are also very closely related to our Deer Skinner Stone knives made with similar blade styles and walnut handles. No matter which style of knife you go with, you are in great hands for a truly functional stone knife.
Colorful Agatized Coral option shown below. Agatized coral is 1.5 million year old fossilized coral from when Florida was covered by ocean. The Coral we use in this Artisanal Version of the Bison Skinner is both a great working and great looking option. Most of our coral knives have any varieties in color ranging from orange, red, blue, white, and multiple combinations of each. Each one is certainly different, but an example is shown below.

NEW! Pictured below: While supplies last, we have a new option of beautiful Jasper/Agate blades. We have some with more red, green, or light purple/blue themed. You can leave a note at checkout if you have a color scheme preference. There’s no guarantee of specific colors but If we have it available we’ll do our best to choose one closest to your color scheme preference.