The HuntPrimitive Bow is the new model of bow as seen in both the book and video The Secrets & Science of Primitive Archery. This model of bow is based on the eastern woodlands flatbow design made of Osage Orange, thinned diamond nocks, a rounded handle wrapped in braintain deerskin with no arrowshelf. This bow includes a Dacron string as well as a genuine sinew bowstring. The HuntPrimitive model bows are custom built to fit the archer.. This particular model is a much more primitive look and feel while still providing optimal performance and longevity.
This model now comes with the option of being plain wood, adding snake skins, or adding both snake skins and our signature HuntPrimitive Paint scheme.
For true hunting applications with stone projectiles, we recommend draw weights between 55-65 pounds to extract the best hunting performance from this style of bow when utilizing the genuine sinew string.
Built to the highest standard in old world craftsmanship, Bows built by Ryan Gill come with the guarantee to be the longest lasting, best performing contextual bows available in the world. They are backed by a 5 year replacement warranty and a free-repairs warranty for life. (more warranty information here) Ryan’s commitment to the craft is second to none and those that would like to learn more about Ryan as a Bowyer can click this link and read more about the unwavering dedication to being the BEST in the world.
*Bow length and draw length measurement are listed at the very bottom of this page.
(Note: Bows with genuine sinew strings require our larger cut, selfnocked arrows. They will not work with modern plastic nocks.)

Below is the Original Bison Hunter bow Ryan Gill used in the Secrets & Science of Primitive Archery. You can expect the braintan handle wrap to stain with use giving it a much more authentic look and feel.
Below shows this model with Prairie Rattlesnake skins.
Primitive BowHunting Bison. The Secrets and Science of Primitive Archery – YouTube