KnapEasy Rock


Spalls are sold in different quantities depending on your needs. Shipping, handling, & Insurance within the USA is included in the purchase price of each package (shipping costs cannot be combined with other orders). Although we are working on sturdy shipping options, some chipping may occur in transit.

More information and video lower on this page!


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KnapEasy Rock is specially formulated and designed exclusively for flintknapping, creating an easy knapping experience for beginners and experts alike. The spalls are designed to create ideal platforms for easy flake removal and strategy with minimal waste. Not only are these great learning materials for beginners, but are quick, consistent, and sharp materials for expert knappers and primitive hunters.  Watch the video below for more detailed information!

For KnapEasy Rock & Tool Combo Kits, click here

Why did we create KnapEasy? Why not just use regular natural rock? Any old-timer knapper will tell stories of large quantities of premium stone, ripe for the picking. Over the years and the growing popularity of flintknapping, as well as the over-pillaging of both private and public resources by stone suppliers, those vast quarries of premium rock have been significantly depleted. It pains many experienced knappers to see beginner knappers turning premium stone into gravel. Likewise, beginner knappers require a high quality material in order to learn efficiently. A beginner knapper that only uses junk stone won’t see the results they are looking for. So, now we see the plight of flintknapping and the depletion of premiuim rock resources.  KnapEasy is made from very common earthly components (totally natural) and produces much less waste. KnapEasy is a perfect solution for beginners and intermediates to learn on to both gain valuable experience in working a high-quality material, but not feel bad about pulverizing expensive premium natural resources. 

*Things to consider: I highly recommend watching the video provided on this page. It will help you understand some of the nuances and things to expect. Abrading is very important during the pressure-flaking stage. Since it is made of natural materials, and occasional inclusion or small air pocket is possible. Most of these are extremely minor and pose no issues.  Each piece is pretty darn consistent but rarely a problem may occur which is nearly always able to be worked around, however if any significant quality control issues should arise please let us know!  The bottom side is typically a little convex. It is explained in the video how to easily work through that convexity. 

Safety: Like all rock, KnapEasy produces a very fine silica dust that is hazardous to breath in over time. Only knap outside or in well ventilated areas. Wear appropriate eye and skin protection as needed.

New Red Jasper KnapEasy shown below

“Buffalo Jump” Flint colored KnapEasy shown below

An example of a point knapped from the “Buffalo Jump” flint-colored KnapEasy
New “Buffalo Jump” Flint/Chert colored KnapEasy
What the inside of Buffalo jump typically looks like (patterns and colors vary).

KnapEasy Original (white) shown below

Examples of points knapped from KnapEasy
What to expect when receiving your spalls of KnapEasy
example of a preform knapped from KnapEasy

Learn all about KnapEasy in this video (click the image or here)

Additional information

Spall Count

10 pieces, 15 pieces, 20 pieces, 30 pieces, 40 pieces, 5 piece (sampler)

KnapEasy Color

Buffalo Jump (Grey/Brown Flint colored), Mixed (a few of each color available in stock), Original (white), Red Jasper