KnapEasy / Tool Combo kits


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For those that want a very easy solution to get into Flintknapping, we offer KnapEasy Combo kits. These kits include all the tools you’d need to get a solid start in Flintknapping with our new KnapEasy rock for beginners.  Combo Kits come in spall counts of 10, 20, or 30. The same tools are included for each kit and include a knapping pad, 3/4″ bopper, 1/2 “Little Rascal” Bopper, XL pressure flaker, standard pressure flaker, micro flaker, and abrader. 

Update** New Color options now available 

Red Jasper KnapEasy shown below

“Buffalo Jump” (grey/brown flint) shown below

(KnapEasy for beginners video coming soon!)  for now, this flintknapping for beginners will get you up and rolling with great success!

Learn all about the new KnapEasy Rock by clicking/tapping the photo below

Additional information

Spall Count

10 pieces, 20 pieces, 30 pieces

KnapEasy Color

Buffalo Jump (Grey/Brown Flint colored), Mixed (a few of each color available in stock), Original (white), Red Jasper