As seen used by Ryan Gill on the HuntPrimitive YouTube channel (linked at the bottom of this page), Primitive Flint Knapping Kits are comprised of hand selected antler components by Ryan Gill to ensure proper density and the best work-ability possible. Hammerstones and antler are the earliest and truest form of Flint Knapping, however, it is typically more difficult to use and master compared to copper knapping tools. While we always encourage people to assemble their own knapping kits, we also know that not everyone has immediate access to the best components needed to make a good knapping kit (such as Axis deer billets, and fresh whitetail antler tines), so we are now offering these (while supplies last) to our customers. The unfortunate side is, Premium axis antler is pretty expensive; the good side is, you’ll be getting the best abo components available. Why Axis antler? Axis are the densest of the deer antlers and by far make the best billets. Even for their smaller size compared to elk or even big whitetails, the density of axis antler is without a doubt unmatched.
The basic kit comes with:
A leather pad, 1 Free-hand Axis antler billet, 1 larger deer antler tine for pressure flaking and brushing (abrading), 1 Small antler tine for final edge work, and a hammerstone. Everything you see in the basic kit can be used to make points and blades. Additional tools also available as shown below.
Individual or Additional tools shown below
Extra Large Axis tines (12-14″ long) that are used for indirect percussion as seen on the HuntPrimitive YouTube channel
Large Lap-knapping Axis Billets
Stubby Free-hand Axis billets
Large Antler tines for pressure flaking, crushing, and brush abrading (typically not large enough to indirect percussion. see XL tines above)
Hammerstones for percussion, roll crushing, and abrading.
Small antler tines for fine pressure flaking and edge sharpening
Large Blade Core Punches as seen in the Blade Coring Video and the Clovis Documentary. The also have the flattened side used as a cantilever for breaking blades to size or fluting clovis points
Finger sized punches for vertical indirect percussion or micro-blade removal.
8 x 10 Bison hide knapping pad

Watch the video of using a Primitive Flint Knapping Kits at this link here –>