The Classic Selfbow


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Please allow 4-6 weeks for custom build and delivery.

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The Classic Selfbow model by HuntPrimitive/Gill’s Primitive Archery is THE quintessential classic selfbow design that we all know and love. When we think back to the first times we fell in love with primitive archery, the classic straight limbed, leather gripped, osage orange (Maclura Pomifera) selfbow is what comes to mind.  You can now custom order a beautiful and reliable selfbow right here.

Unlike the Orange Hunter model, the Classic Selfbow features a classic D shaped tiller with no reflexed (recurved) tips, and the grip is straight and similar to that of a standard longbow. Each one comes with a String and beaver fur silencers. They can be ordered with or without an arrow shelf to suit your personal style. The Classic Selfbow also features the perfect amount of character that you would expect from a selfbow; Little knots or wiggles are common to give it great eye appeal, but not so much that the bow appears or shoots “wonky”. It is simply the perfect Classic Selfbow at that is why we named it as such!  Western Diamondback snake skins may be added at additional costs. These bows to dont have tip overlays are only approved for dacron string materials (do not use fast flight or 8125 comparable strings on these bows)

Built to the highest standard in old world craftsmanship, Bows built by Ryan Gill come with the guarantee to be the longest lasting, best performing contextual bows available in the world. They are backed by a 5 year replacement warranty and a free-repairs warranty for life. (more warranty information here) Ryan’s commitment to the craft is second to none and those that would like to learn more about Ryan as a Bowyer can click this link and read more about the unwavering dedication to being the BEST in the world.

(note: Approx bow lengths are listed at the bottom of this page)

Straight style grip shown below


Bow lengths depend on the draw length it is built for. Longer draw lengths require a longer bow.
Approx. bow length per draw length (You must know and understand the importance of draw length. call for help)
28″ draw – approx. 66-68″ long
25″ draw – approx. 60-62″ long
26″ draw – approx. 62-64″ long
27″ draw – approx. 64-66″ long
29″ draw – approx. 68-70″ long
30″ draw – approx. 70-72″ long